Appleford has over 30 years of experience of supporting the needs of Service children
We are fully aware of the importance of stability and the pastoral requirements of Service children. Whether parents are posted overseas on extended exercise, moving house or the worry of when they are deployed to a danger zone, our pupils’ wellbeing is of the highest importance and we take pride in our Pastoral Care.
The MoD may help with fees for eligible personnel to pay for the boarding school education of your child through the Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA). Parents should obtain a mandatory Boarding School Information Pack and blank CEA Entitlement Certificate (EC) from the MOD Children’s Education Advisory Service. At this stage you should check with your unit admin office whether you might be entitled to claim CEA.
Childrens Education Advisory Service
If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan that is maintained by the local authority, he or she is not required to have an Educational Psychologist’s report. Parents who have a child with an EHCP must seek advice from CEAS.
If your child does not have an EHCP, you will have to arrange for an assessment; the assessment cost may be recovered from the MOD in some circumstances.
You should be aware that the CEA is constantly under review by the MOD.